One fun class I'm taking this semester is called Costume Construction. In this class, I learn how to sew, read patterns, alter patterns, and ultimately create my own "vintage" outfit! Doesn't that sound exciting?? The first assignment is making pajamas! Although it sounds a bit cheesy, pajama shorts are relatively simple to make--perfect for the beginners~

This was my first time visiting the Fashion District in Los Angeles. I was a little nervous, because I've never ben there. However, it was overall a very fun experience. There were many little stores, each with lots and lots of different types of fabrics. The ones pictured above were from Michael Levine. Michael Levine is one of the bigger fabric and more organized fabric stores. They have such variety and such cute designs! I definitely want to check it out again.
The photo on the right was my first assignment for the Costume Construction course. I learned a lot of different stitches! They weren't as different as I thought they'd be, but still, I need lots more practice because I am comfortable with sewing! Overall, the experience was fun, exciting, and new!

This is my first time working with patterns! Like I mentioned earlier, these are patterns for pajama shorts! I'm using a soft, pink knit fabric. I'm sure it end up very comfy...however, I am a little worried about how well I'll be able to make it! This is my first time, but at least it's a step in the learning the process!
I've always wanted to learn to sew, and this is my chance! I'm super excited!
What is something that you've always wanted to learn? How do you plan on accomplishing it? <3